Hey everyone !
My name's Grace. And I have a blog Dainty Sprinkles and you should follow it !
Well you don't have to, but yes my name is Grace.
And I am your *very crazy* Week 1 blogger !
And also, We know our follow button is messed up right now. We don't know what happened to it - We swear, but you don't need a follow button to be cool B-| . Just keep reading.
So the first theme is ...
Ah, It's "Intro and Christmas wishlist".
Ok well I apparently have talk about myself (this is gonna go serioooously off track !) in ten short sentences and write about my dream Christmas or something like that I'm sure.
Ok I can do that.
"Give some facts about yourself in ten short sentences - and no changing sentences afterwards"
Ten short sentences, I can do that (I soooo can't !)
No changing
Starts now
Hello I'm Grace
I'm Irish
I'm in second year in secondary shool
I love my family my friends blogging my rabbits performing arts people watching Facebook stalking singing Llama songs ok I love alot of things and this short sentence is one big fail.
Don't ask me to catch a ball because I won't catch it
I obsessed with putting flower clips in my hair
Technology has this urge to forget to save everything I do and crash
I've a four year old goldfish and two flying chickens I never talk about I don't know why but who gives two monkeys
I've done a joined blog with Lucy before and that failed when we went into secondary school
Frizz sits on my hair and my hair loves being flat when it's suppose to be curly and I have Christmas braces red and green I mean.
FAIL !!!
Eleven. One sentence off, That's annoying.
"this weeks second theme: whats your perfect christmas???"
Ok this isn't like the other one. Good.
* When saying good pretends to be Facebook grumpy cat."
*~** Randomness ! **~*
Sorry, but I just had to share this it makes me laugh so much !!!
Oh well, I seriously don't know how to write this so I'll just write a list.
A list.
1. I can't wait to not be able to get asleep and then wake up at 6.30am be like "Oh yea I only just got like twenty broken up minutes of sleep. Damnit."
2. I can't wait to eat stuffing, Rocky road cake and chocolate and marzipan ... OK I love Christmas food !!! Especially homemade food my Mam makes for Christmas !
3. I can't wait to Santa Track with Lucy !!!!!!! Christmas Eve = Very fun !
4. I love Christmas shopping and the nice feeling of relief when you get your family a decent present - I went Christmas shopping today !
5. And finally I can't wait to blog over the Christmas holidays - I'm hoping to enter 2013 with one hundred followers ! I'd like to see that 100 followers on my Dashboard.
That's all from me this week and Lucy will be posting some day in the next week or so - She's your Week 2 Blogger !
Grace x
My blog ~ daintysprinkles.blogspot.com
Lucy's blog ~ xmaslsantaltrackr.blogspot.ie
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